Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yama - Patanjali Yoga Sutras 81- 82

Yama and Niyama are two of the 8 limbs of the ashtanga yoga of Patanjali. Many people interpret this as “Do’s and Don’ts” or Rules. Is it so? Let’s understand Yama and Niyama in a deeper way.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains, Yama as the law and the power which executes the law. Both are same from the superconscious state point of view. Both express simultaneously and spontaneously. As long as you think the law and execution power are two different, you are in an ignorant society. You’ll be creating an ignorant system.

Laws are made when more than 1 person started living together and started to think “What! You have. Why not me also?” When humans started to realize the comfort and the positive points that living together brings (e.g. protection), life becomes more sophisticated. So then they started to realize that living together was bringing a lot of good things. Then the problem came “Why not me also?” So to come to an understanding, the system of law happened.

When Patanjali presents Yama, he does not refer to the laws that apply to society. On a cosmic level, the power that follows these principles is the same power that creates them! When the deeper understanding of Yama happens in your life, you will never feel pressured to follow the rules. It will simply be a natural expression of who you are.

Extracted from P.Y.S. by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
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