Stopping your mind to fulfill the breath; if your mind interferes it is always unfulfilled. The outer world always follows the inner world, the fulfillment is always experienced first in the inner world, then it actually expresses itself in the outer world, outer world situations will automatically fall in place and the fulfillment happens.
Unfortunately ignorant mind starts thinking that if you create fulfillment in the outer world then you’ll be fulfilled in the inner world, it is not true, it doesn’t work like that.
How to fulfill? Breathing! Just fulfilling the breath will transform your whole inner space, an instant and permanent cure for depression or any mental disorders at any level for everyone no matter how old you are.
Your body is like a desert filled with sand any air going through your body; see in the desert if the wind comes it will lift the sand and make a dusty wind, so the breathing by its nature awakens many thoughts in your mind and you become restless, unfulfilled.
How to make sure the air doesn’t lift the sand? When the sand and the air mix together both are corrupted bio-memory (sand) life breathe (air/wind).
So you have three options:
- Turn the sand into stone (completing with your thoughts makes them die once and for all, the air can’t wake it up because the air can’t lift stones (achieved by un-clutching and integrating yourself)).
- Or become one with the ocean (achieved by surrendering to god), naturally if you become ocean the air won’t lift the sand.
- Finally allowing a river to flow over you ( grace, compassion of the master), this doesn’t require your effort to unclutch nor your effort to surrender, just by being in the breathing space of the master, your breathing changes and stops creating thoughts in your body and bio-memory. Please understand the bio-memory is intelligent and fortunately pure life breath is contagious: if you like someone’s body language, you’ll just pick it up, similarly by being with the master you just pick up his breathing, it gets mirrored in you.
These three techniques allow the wind (breath) to remain pure.
Whenever you see thoughts being brought up by the breathing, stop the breathing using your will power, then continue breathing until the next thought (don’t worry you won’t die by stopping the breath). This is the technique for instant enlightenment.
Or if you can't stop the breathing, at least elongate it! Whether it is inhaling, exhaling, holding, whenever you notice that a thought is created - elongate the breathing. This is the technique for gradual enlightenment. This will work for everyone. But it will take time.
Destruction vs Cessation
Remember we don’t need to destroy mind, we only need the cessation of mind, this is totally different.
Mind vibrates to a certain frequency, all we want is the mind the shift and vibrates to a different frequency. Cessation of vibrating in the current frequency is what we want.
Pranayama is the technique to do that. Only the thoughts “ I am breathing, It is coming in , It is coming out” are allowed everything else has to be stopped, stop or elongate the breath whenever other thoughts occur. This is what I call surrendering to Prana and this will automatically bring you to a state of Samadhi.
Extracted from P.Y.S. by Paramahamsa Nithyananda
Links >>> Pranayama videos
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