Saptanga Yoga Principles

Saptanga Yoga plays a major role, and is the underlying thread in Nithya Yoga practice. What is saptanga yoga? Saptanga yoga is a seven part system for enlightenment revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Saptanga Yoga is to be practised continuously and simultaneously and become the lifestyle of Nithya Yoga acharyas. It is the basis for our thinking and logic, our actions and interactions and methodology in teaching. Nithya yoga acharyas teach from the space of awareness and consciousness, the space of completion, to enrich and cause their reality and be the cause of their students reality.

All these seven parts are be practised simultaneously. These seven are:

1. Provide authentic listening to self and others

2. Completion with self and others

3. Live with integrity to one’s words to self and others

4. Live with authenticity to one’s thoughts

5. Live with responsibility to one’s feelings

6. Enrich (constantly expanding) oneself and others

7. Cause the reality for self and be the catalyst for others to cause their reality

You have four powers in your life which are continously available to you, which when unlocked are the keys to wealth, success and happiness. Unfortunately, you do not use them properly. When you use them consciously and with clear intention, they shower you with everything you want as they are great energies. The four powers are

1. Power of Words (vak-shakti)

2. Power of Thinking (mano- shakti)

3. Power of Feeling (prema- shakti)

4. Power of Living (atma-shakti).

They are related to the four major dimensions of your life - your words, thinking, emotions.The key to unlocking and enjoying these Powers is to know more about yourself and creating the right space inside you. These Powers will be described in the sections below.

Each of the four powers is guided by a spiritual principle called tattva. Each tattva is the key to unlock the corresponding power in you. The power of words will be unlocked when you practice integrity. The power of thoughts will be available when you practice authenticity. The power of feeling will be possible when you practice responsibility, and the power of living will be unlocked when you decide to enrich others.

1 comment:

  1. Strengthens the immune system
    The human being is a perfect combination of body, mind and spirit. An irregularity at the physical level affects the mental plane. In the same way, any restlessness

    present in the mind can manifest itself as a disease in the body. Yoga postures not only massage the different organs of the body, but also strengthen the muscular

    system. In addition, breathing techniques and pranayamas help release stress, which results in an improvement in the immune system, scientifically proven.
